With Japan Fishing Deal, Taiwan Scores a Win in East China Sea Disputes▲自己去看婦產科還是要小心謹慎啊!(source:Dcard、thehealthdaily) 去看婦產科一定要注意,若沒性經驗一定得先提,日前一名台中科大的女學生在Dcard貼文表示自己前陣子因為月經晚來的關係,想找一間婦產科去看診,但由於自己不是台中人也不熟,所以選擇了學校附近的婦產科看診,因為自Taiwan and Japan recently signed an important East China Sea fishing rights agreement after 17 years of negotiations. More than anything, the deal represents a striking concession from Japan. Since 1996, Japan had attempted to prevent Taiwanese fishing bo...