性感依舊 Pamela Anderson為Purple雜誌寬衣解帶
Third Taiwan, Japan fishing talks to be held on Thursday - The China Post 頂著一頭俏麗短髮,少了濃妝艷抹,這離我們在《海灘遊俠》裡認識的穿著紅色高衩泳裝的潘蜜拉安德森(Pamela Anderson)判若兩人。為了法國Purple雜誌,再度與我們分享美好身體曲線的她,表情中更多了點歲月的歷練。「那套紅色的高衩泳裝對我來說似乎變成了種刻板印象,把我全部的人生都卡通化了」,TAIPEI, Taiwan -- The third meeting of a joint Taiwan-Japan fishing commission is scheduled to be held in Taipei on Thursday to address issues related to the regulation of fishing operations in the two countries' overlapping waters in the East China Sea, ...