Taiwan News, Taipei, China, Cross-Strait Relations, KMT, DPP, and Presidential Election Coverage - T初戀,是男人和女人長大後的第一心理秘密,朦朧的它像破石而出的小草,頑強而瘋狂地成長。 初戀也許曾讓你浪漫、甜蜜、激動、也許曾帶給你輕狂、憂鬱、傷痛,不論最終結果是不是如你所願,總之它留給你的內容太豐富太深刻,足夠你用一輩子的時間去回憶、去揣測。也許正是這具有一點“情感殺傷力”Original English-language news coverage of Taiwan, Taipei, China, Cross-Strait Relations, KMT, DPP, the Presidential Election, and more. ... Sunday, April 26, 2015 TWC reveals 1.41 million tons of water stolen last year Water theft has been a serious prob...