當夢魘變成真實,旁邊有兒童時千萬不要點進來 相信我!
Living in Taiwan ─ Which regulations should be noted when foreign workers come to work in Taiwan? 人身上開了條拉鍊、女子摀住嘴巴的手卻露出更大的尖牙、四眼少女...,這些可不是伊藤潤二的恐怖漫畫、或是荒木飛呂彥的JOJO冒險野郎,而是3D繪畫應用在人體身上的成果,真實的邊界被藝術家的巧手打破,通往惡夢的道路似乎也因而開啟了呢~ 很恐怖 身體有什麼疾病,找工人進去修理一下就OK囉 出門在外找不到Regulations about foreign workers in Taiwan are administered by the Council of Labor Affairs of the Executive Yuan. For details, please refer to the website of the Ministry of Labor of the Executive Yuan: Chinese Webpage、English Webpage Address: 9F ......