Taiwan eases Hong Kong and Macau visa process - Taiwan Government Entry Point有一天一小孩哭著回家對麻麻說:今天老師打我了! 麻麻安慰他:別哭。隨後又問為什麼打他。 小孩說:老師問我三乘八等多少? 我說:等於二十四。 麻麻說:對呀! 小孩又說了:老師又問我八乘以三等於多少 小孩麻麻說了:這他媽的不是一樣嗎! 小孩說:我就是這樣說的.... Taiwan eases Hong Kong and Macau visa process Contact: China Post – 20th edition, September 1st, 2010 The China Post news staff Residents from Hong Kong and Macau can apply for visa to Taiwan for free via the Internet starting today, the National Immigrat...