take a day off 意思

A Billion Acts of Green | Earth Day Network 話說,下面這個妹子叫Anllela Sagra,93年的,來自哥倫比亞...   喜歡健身的小夥伴們應該都聽過她的名字…   憑藉着超高的顏值   完美的身材   她火遍了全球   在inst上擁有900萬的粉絲… &nTake action to help your community and protect our planet by pledging an Act of Green today! Help us reach 2 billion pledges and make every day Earth Day. ... Support Pope Francis's Message In his new encyclical, Pope Francis makes clear that climate chan...


MLK Day | 1.18.2016 | Corporation for National and Community Service 對於很多人來說,一輩子能有一次完美的婚禮就已足夠,100次婚禮?   你肯定會以為要麼小編在說笑,要麼就是這兩個人有錢又有閒。       但今天故事裡的這一對夫妻,還真是沒錢又沒閒,他倆走遍30多個國家,舉行100次婚禮,完全就是靠兩人的積蓄和努力。 &nGet up to date on everything happening for MLK Day. ... MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 2016 Every MLK Day, Americans across the country come together for a day of service, picking up the baton handed to us by past generations and carrying forward their efforts....


Take Charge of Your Health: A Guide for Teenagers 話說,前段時間鏟屎哥看到一個報道,   說俄羅斯警方正在訓練一批特殊的警犬,有多「特殊」?這可能是全世界最大膽的想法了......   因為他們訓練的狗狗是——柯!基!     俄羅斯警方表示他們目前正在訓練兩條柯基犬,一隻6個月大,As you get older, you are starting to make your own decisions about many things that are important to you. You select what you wear every day, listen to music that you like, and spend time with friends that you choose. Are you also ready to take charge of...


POLITICO Huddle - POLITICO     今年最火的一個詞是什麼?毫無疑問,是共享單車,現在共享汽車也將到來。 共享汽車是指個人或多人使用一輛車,而駕駛着只對車輛擁有使用權,而且共享汽車可以通過電話或者手機APP直接預訂, 非常方便。未來,共享汽車的大量普及,將會對租車行業造成致命的打擊。   近日,Sanders’ popularity shocks even his friends in the Senate ... By Lauren French (lfrench@politico.com & @laurennfrench) THE SCHOCK FALLOUT. Jake Sherman and Anna Palmer report, “House leaders are considering sweeping changes to Congress ......


Bitchin' Dietitian: Biting Off Just Enough to Chew | Healthy eating should be hip, simple, and fun. ▲這是夢中景色成真嗎...(source: twitter)   大家好我是云編~ 「觸手」一直是日本エロ作品中一個重要的題材,日本知名的浮世繪大師及春畫大師葛飾北齋也曾以《章魚與海女》為題,創作了一幅美女跟章魚的春宮圖。雖然章魚纏在人身上乍聽之下會讓人覺得噁心,不過章魚柔軟的Healthy eating should be hip, simple, and fun. You only live once, but you eat multiple times a day. (by Jen Reilly) ... Eggless Eggs Makes 4 servings Prep and cooking time 20 minutes Searching for scrambled eggs without all the fat and cholesterol? Take ...


Take off that Fitbit. Exercise alone won’t make you lose weight. - The Washington Post 在520被虐之後,很多單身狗的第一想法就是,狗糧年年有,今年特別香。可除了520,還有七夕、聖誕、新年、情人節····這麼多的狗糧一年幾乎沒有停。   唯一的解決辦法就是——找個女朋友!   然鵝,The fitness industry has never been stronger. Health clubs in the United States brought in $22.4 billion in 2013, doubling their revenue in just 15 years. Sales of fitness trackers (the wearable devices that measure everything from your daily steps to you...
