take a day off

A Billion Acts of Green | Earth Day Network客機墜落海面,乘務員讓乘客從滑梯上下海, 乘客不敢,空姐求助於機長, 機長迅速搞定,空姐問其故, 機長:對美國人說這是冒險, 對英國人說這是榮譽, 對法國人說這很浪漫, 對德國人說這是規定, 對日本人說這是命令,就好了。 機長還說:中國人太容易搞掂啦,告訴他是免費的即可。 Take action to help your community and protect our planet by pledging an Act of Green today! Help us reach 2 billion pledges and make every day Earth Day. ... Support Pope Francis's Message In his new encyclical, Pope Francis makes clear that climate chan...


MLK Day | 1.18.2016 | Corporation for National and Community Service打電話給女朋友:「在嗎」 「在洗澡呢,有空再說」 「你在敷衍我!」 「我真的是在洗澡,你朋友小張可以作證的」 我一想小張是個挺誠實的人,應該是真的, 就不再追究了,還好女朋友沒有敷衍我 Get up to date on everything happening for MLK Day. ... MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 2016 Every MLK Day, Americans across the country come together for a day of service, picking up the baton handed to us by past generations and carrying forward their efforts....


Take Charge of Your Health: A Guide for Teenagers   實在是太強大了As you get older, you are starting to make your own decisions about many things that are important to you. You select what you wear every day, listen to music that you like, and spend time with friends that you choose. Are you also ready to take charge of...


Take off that Fitbit. Exercise alone won’t make you lose weight. - The Washington Post泳裝了一種新的趨勢正在席捲中國在中國東部的山東省青島海灘。隨著天氣變熱,男女雙方都出現在海灘上穿著全身西裝,涵蓋從頭部到腳趾。孔切出適當的地方留下眼睛,鼻子和嘴角露出泳衣的上部有一個滑雪面罩,讓佩戴者一個奇LUCHA免費看看。網民呼籲泳裝「面對面kinis」   面具是中國泳客的方式來保護The fitness industry has never been stronger. Health clubs in the United States brought in $22.4 billion in 2013, doubling their revenue in just 15 years. Sales of fitness trackers (the wearable devices that measure everything from your daily steps to you...


POLITICO Huddle - POLITICO 身為一個男程式員,沒錢沒時間沒女人就算了,身邊連一個意淫的對象都沒有。女程式員這群不明種族的生物你敢嗎?喏,就是下面這樣的...         這就是我們公司唯一的女生程式員啊!!!!她的自拍照啊!!!!   而且最近不知道為什麼,她越來越明目張Sanders’ popularity shocks even his friends in the Senate ... By Lauren French (lfrench@politico.com & @laurennfrench) THE SCHOCK FALLOUT. Jake Sherman and Anna Palmer report, “House leaders are considering sweeping changes to Congress ......


Bitchin' Dietitian: Biting Off Just Enough to Chew | Healthy eating should be hip, simple, and fun. 還記得小時候拍的各種照片嗎?在那一堆或淘氣或賣萌的照片裡,總有那麼幾張,讓長大後的自己看了哭笑不得。 近日,網友們掀起了新的潮流,大家紛紛上傳自己小時候拍下的各種“雷照”,這些照片或打扮雷人,或濃妝豔抹,讓圍觀者直呼“囧爆了”。 儘管以前小時候還沒有&Healthy eating should be hip, simple, and fun. You only live once, but you eat multiple times a day. (by Jen Reilly) ... Eggless Eggs Makes 4 servings Prep and cooking time 20 minutes Searching for scrambled eggs without all the fat and cholesterol? Take ...
