take a leave

leave - definition of leave by The Free Dictionary 台灣新銳品牌PUREEGO春夏型錄正式曝光,這一季主題標語「LIFE IS WEAR」概念,主打生活舒適穿搭風格,夏日清爽氛圍展現!而PUREEGO創立於2010年,去年2013年春初重新定位出發,秉持Pureego品牌觀再從文化及日常生活中尋找創新元素,以多元的設計手法呈現獨持的自我風格,融入功leave 1 (lēv) v. left (lĕft), leav·ing, leaves v.tr. 1. To go out of or away from: not allowed to leave the room. 2. a. To go without taking or removing: left my book on the bus. b. To omit or exclude: left out the funniest part of the story. 3. To have a...


The Godfather (1972) - Quotes - IMDb 一直以來大家對於混血基因總是抱持著高度嚮往,深邃五官搭配高挑的身材比例,簡直就是模特兒最佳入門條款。可說是混血超模大量供應商的日本,總是不讓大家失望持續帶給我們跨越異國、性別的特色美貌。而今日要介紹給各位的可說是「亞洲克蘿伊」之稱的“玉城Tina”。 玉城Tina,出生於1997年10月8日日本沖The Godfather (1972) Quotes on IMDb: Memorable quotes and exchanges from movies, TV series and more... ... Don Corleone: We have known each other many years, but this is the first time you've come to me for counsel or for help. I can't remember the last t...


Paternity Leave: The Rewards and the Remaining Stigma - The New York Times紐約激光雕刻設計團隊Magnetic Kitchen近日在Kickstarter上發起了一個滑板眾籌項目。利用激光雕刻更加精準可控的優勢,Magnetic Kitchen將預先設計出的各式圖案雕刻至滑板背面,而滑板本身則是由7層糖楓木板壓製而成,帶來更輕質和更好的抗衝擊性能。 滑板運動本身就是充滿冒Five months after Todd Bedrick’s daughter was born, he took some time off from his job as an accountant. The company he works for, Ernst & Young, offered paid paternity leave, and he decided to take six weeks — the maximum amount — when his wife, Sarah, w...


The National Student Survey 2015 線條跟點點看似不對稱當中的井然有序,我們要告訴你何謂自然不做作,材質細節上依舊採用的是絕佳的精梳棉,與獨家的腳跟Y字立體口袋設計( Deep heel pocket),增加穿著穩定性與舒適度。這雙黑白當中用一點點葡萄色點綴的DOTTED LINES,所有女孩的風格都適合,千萬別錯過! 售價:480The eleventh annual National Student Survey (NSS) launched on 12 January 2015 and will remain open until 30 April. As you near the end of your studies, we hope you will take this opportunity to tell us about your course and your time at your university or...


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Family and Medical Leave Act - Wage and Hour Division (WHD) - U.S. Department of Labor DADA 即將於4月啟動全新VIP機制,與舊有的VIP 權益相比,增加了更多會員專屬優惠及折扣。只要單筆消費滿額,即可獲得終生VIP資格,享有一切會員專屬權益。4月也將同步舉辦免費VIP申請及舊卡免費更換新卡活動,要讓所有喜愛DADA的新朋友及忠實老朋友們,輕鬆享受尊榮VIP福利。 只要於全台DAUS Department of Labor: The Wage and Hour mission is to promote and achieve compliance with labor standards to protect and enhance the welfare of the Nation's workforce. ... U.S. Department of Labor | Frances Perkins Building, 200 Constitution Ave., NW .....
