take as an example

Dopamine - A Sample Neurotransmitter - The University of Texas at Austin 對於近年韓風的興起,即便沒在Follow演藝消息的你,我想或多或少依稀還是能見識到泡菜的渲染威力。除了不斷推出數量驚人的偶像團體、素人女孩差不多的五官比例或是G Dragon引領時尚穿搭魅力,最近就連南韓帥氣超模們也是擁有不可小覷的驚人爆發實力! 在近日紅到世界各地的韓劇《繼承者們》飾演崔英道一角Neurons can become sensitized or desensitized to dopamine One important aspect of drug addiction is how cells adapt to previous drug exposure. For example, long-term treatment with dopamine antagonists increases the number of dopamine receptors. This ......


take out - definition of take out by The Free Dictionary相信我,只有在最不被發現的地方,反而才更能誠實地凸顯一個人對於生活的審美眼光。── 姚謙《一個人的品味》   時尚是一種生活態度,從好幾年前就有人這麼說了,這句話說得沒錯,但是也說得太廣泛了點。我想時尚應該有更多的成分是溝通,因為人與人的溝通除了語言以外,自己形於外的一切,常常也是一種表達take (tāk) v. took (to ok), tak·en (tā′kən), tak·ing, takes v.tr. 1. To get into one's hands, control, or possession, especially: a. To grasp or grip: take your partner's hand. b. To capture physically; seize: take an enemy fortress. c. To seize with auth...


Cool Story, Bro - The New Yorker圖、文/美麗佳人 每次都說這是他最後一次脫衣服的大衛貝克漢(David Beckham)持續與H&M合作,本季春夏再度推出在全世界都超熱銷的新系列內衣款式,不過這次有點不一樣了,適逢即將到來並且在全球超過兩億觀眾收看的《超級盃》比賽,H&M這次共製作了兩段廣告影片,並讓大家投票決定在《超級盃》上的播On the other hand, you might take a close look at the show’s opening credits, which suggest a simpler tale: one about heroic male outlines and closeups of female asses. The more episodes that go by, the more I’m starting to suspect that those asses tell t...


Rama's home page » What does it take to become an architect?經過逾十年的構想,日本設計師梶本博司與設計公司H Cocept Studio合作推出UnBRELLA"反雨傘"。顛覆我們原有的認知,雨傘收起來的時候被雨淋濕的一面會藏在裏面,使用者無須擔心雨傘沾溼褲管、手提包,或者路人的尷尬情況。倒向的設計便於用家在人多擁擠的場合把傘撐開,下公車之際遇上滂沱大雨就派Several people wanted to know about what makes an effective J2EE architect. In my opinion, there is nothing significantly different from a J2EE architect and a regular software architect. I am going to take ideas expressed in the preceding sections, and c...


English | SHL Direct  Julien d'ys,時尚界最惡名昭彰的髮型造型師,為Comme des Garçons工作超過了十年之久,其所設計的髮型為川久保玲的服裝增添了超現實與不可預測性,這一季,當梳背油頭主宰了整個巴黎男時裝秀,Julien d'ys創造了更具顛覆性的髮型,蜷曲包覆頭部的新式油頭,靈感來自Offers guidance on applying for jobs, example personality questionnaires and aptitude tests with feedback....


SumOfUs 由范爺范冰冰代言的潮流運動品牌Adidas Originals,這次特請英國快速時尚大廠Topshop拉皮,推出20款從運動褲到球鞋等不同商品,預計3月20日於限定專賣店及網站通路販售。Topshop設計團隊除了把品牌傳統三葉商標用倫敦地標圖案美化外,更將傳統運動服改良為合身剪裁,讓運動的同時也能SumOfUs is a global movement of consumers, investors, and workers all around the world, standing together to hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new, sustainable and just path for our global economy. It's not going to be fast or ea...
