Joel McHale Addresses Gay Rumors: "I Take It as a Compliment" - Us Weekly 以前億來億去, 現在百來百去, 人生起起落落, 沒什麼了不起。 ··· 一碗麻油雞 黑麻油和老薑先下鍋爆香, 再加入新鮮雞肉一起翻炒, 濃濃的香氣瞬間撲面而來, 煮麻油雞的老闆身形瘦削, 細看卻有點熟悉。 &nbsJoel McHale has been happily married to Sarah Williams since 1996, but that hasn't stopped the Community actor from amassing a legion of gay fans. In fact, the father of two says he finds it "flattering" when people assume he's homosexual. "I always find ...