take as granted

take - definition of take by The Free Dictionary 目前針對BMW6新年式系列,將提供M Sport Package運動化套件,這款運動化套件包含:20吋雙色雙幅式輪圈、失壓續跑胎、Sonic Speed Blue metallic藍色塗裝,而內裝部分則包含碳纖維飾板。   除此之外,在BMW的客製化型錄上在車色、內裝皮革,頂棚材質都可以take (tāk) v. took (to ok), tak·en (tā′kən), tak·ing, takes v.tr. 1. To get into one's hands, control, or possession, especially: a. To grasp or grip: take your partner's hand. b. To capture physically; seize: take an enemy fortress. c. To seize with auth...


Hillary Clinton Walks Tightrope as Pressure Grows to Take Stance on Trade Deal - NYTimes.com   Benz今年與Nissan合作,推出品牌首款皮卡車,同時也推出了一個全新車系X-Class,而近日又有消息指出,因為A-Class越來越大,Benz決定新增一小型車系,並將此車系命名為Z-Class Benz原本規劃的小型車級距A-Class,目前從第三代開始變大,逐漸開始跨界,所以Her presidential campaign faces questions about the Trans-Pacific Partnership that are seen as a litmus test of her ability to satisfy liberals. ... What Hillary Clinton Would Need to Do to Win “She’s absolutely wrong,” he added. But even a tacit endorsem...


WeSmirch   國際富豪汽車以全新 Volvo Retail Experience 北歐旗艦展示中心現場正式發表專為層峰人士打造之頂級 LSUV - Volvo XC90 T8 Excellence,更同步展出全新奢華旗艦房車 The New Volvo S90,引領 VOLVO 旗下豐富產品陣容,Never miss another hot celeb story! The juiciest celebrity news from all around the web on a single page. ... REHAB TWO WEEKS BEFORE SHE DIED — Victoria Siegel had a problem with prescription drugs and had just recently returned home from rehab before ......


Fully Funded Wish Lists - supportmyclass.org > Support a Hawaii Classroom! (sourse:wikihow) 日本網路最近瘋傳一張男生「GG等級表」,雖然表上有A、B、C、D等級,但是之間的差異其實不大,但根據男生的說法,差一公分在這個世界裡可是如同海溝一樣「差很大」啊! 以下來看一下這個參考的級數吧!若是不服這樣的男生,可以來列一下喔~ A級:長15公分以上、直徑粗4.School Name: Solomon Elementary Teacher: Megan Moore Grade: 1,2,3,4,5 My young authors need new supplies to continue their work! We are in need of an electric pencil sharpener. The hand-held ones take too long and are hindering my young writer's flow of ....


Join the Battle for Net Neutrality▲裝這一袋這樣真的好嗎...(source:爆廢公社)   日前網路上一名女子於爆廢公社po出自己與老闆之間的攻防戰!女子表示當天自己上班因生理痛感到不適,希望可以向主管請一天的生理假,沒想到主管竟然回答說:「你生病還穿短袖,不像吧?」女子馬上回應自己並不是生病,而是月事來生理痛,不料主管These could be the final days of the open web or the first days of the rebellion that saves it. Join the nationwide protest to save the Internet on November 13th ... Team Cable is attacking net neutrality again. Please wait... Together, we flooded the FCC...


U.S. to Take Over AIG in $85 Billion Bailout; Central Banks Inject Cash as Credit Dries Up - WSJ如果說剛才的由佳和惠子是比平均值稍微可愛一點,現在這桌坐在永澤先生對面的,很明顯比平均值漂亮很多,至於我面前的這位,則是介於普通跟恐龍之間,還有點胖胖的。 店員過來招呼,我們開始加點飲料。 「我要可爾必思沙瓦!」胖妹說。 「我還沒喝完,就不用了。」正妹說。我和永澤先生則又點了啤酒。 「我去拿點吃的過This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies for distribution to your colleagues, clients or customers visit http ... U.S. to Take Over AIG in $85 Billion Bailout; Central Banks Inject Cash as Credit Dries Up...
