taken 2

Taken 3 (2014) - IMDb   話說,今天英國媒體報道了一個鋼鐵直男的事...   這男人叫Sam,今年25歲。旁邊的是他的女朋友Corrall。     這對情侶談戀愛以來一直都很恩愛,倆人平時相處得也很愉快,   除了有一個問題...   一個Sam一直都煩惱的Directed by Olivier Megaton. With Liam Neeson, Forest Whitaker, Famke Janssen, Maggie Grace. Ex-government operative Bryan Mills is accused of a ruthless murder he never committed or witnessed. As he is tracked and pursued, Mills brings out his particular...


Take Shelter (2011) - IMDb由Imgur網友搜集的這個系列,有不少珍貴的歷史照片,也是我個人比較喜歡的內容。今天繼續分享:   1930年美國紐約,一個女子在進行人工曬黑。實際上這種做法可能導致曬傷甚至皮膚癌     1965年在也門的亞丁,當地人反抗英國殖民統治,遭到鎮壓。數年後,也門獨立 &nDirected by Jeff Nichols. With Michael Shannon, Jessica Chastain, Tova Stewart, Shea Whigham. Plagued by a series of apocalyptic visions, a young husband and father questions whether to shelter his family from a coming storm, or from himself....


heath ledger singing "cant take my eyes off you" - YouTube 下面這個男人名叫Ramon Sosa,今年50歲,是一名美國拳擊教練。   Ramon Sosa是一名離異父親,帶着自己的三個孩子生活。 2007年,他在一家俱樂部里遇到了Maria Lulu,彼時的她是一位私人教練。   當時, Ramon立刻就被Lulu的美貌所吸引,這簡直from the movie "10 things I hate about you" cant take my eyes off you (lyric) You're just too good to be true. Can't take my eyes off you. You'd be like Heaven to touch. I wanna hold you so much. At long last love has arrived And I thank God I'm alive. Yo...


Take the hassle out of organising挾帶高人氣,LUXGEN今(11/9)日宣佈U6 GT、GT220正式上市! LUXGEN總經理蔡文榮表示:「今年,我們做了很多突破,除了是第一個主動將U5送到西班牙進行實車碰撞測試的國產車廠,為了讓大家對「賽道開發學」更有感,LUXGEN也邀請媒體到日本AUTOPOLIS賽道親身體驗,要讓各位直接Teamer takes the hassle out of managing any sports team ... Members At the heart of your teampage are team members. They can be players, coaches, supporters or anyone interested in your team. Add their email and/or phone number to start connecting with .....


Take Action – Google 話說,以色列是世界上唯一對女性普遍實行義務兵役制的國家。   在這裡,不管是男人還是女人,到了指定的年齡都必須要服兵役。   神奇女俠蓋加朵也曾經有過軍營生活,       也正是因為這種特殊的兵役制度, 以色利軍隊的畫風跟其他國家都不太一樣&heA free and open world depends on a free and open web. The Internet empowers everyone to speak, create, learn, and share. ... Email Please enter your email address. Zip/Postal Code Please enter your location. We'll keep you updated on Internet ......
