One Day After Wreck, Increased Funding for Amtrak Fails in a House Panel - The New York Times 曾經看過一篇文章裡說,女人離開一個男人的原因有時候並不需要多麼深刻而實質性的傷害。僅僅是在她對他有所期待的時候,卻一次又一次的讓她失望。久而久之,失望累積成絕望,便足以使她狠下心來離開。當她最需要你在的時候、最需要你陪伴的時候你卻不在她身邊,那麼未來那麼長的時光裡,你還有什麼存在的必要?她最需要你The scene Wednesday at the accident site in Philadelphia. Some say better funding could have prevented the derailment. Credit National Transportation Safety Board “It is absolutely stunning to me,” Mr. Rendell said of the funding vote. “It shows that ideo...