Grande, Venti & Trenta: What Do the Starbucks Names Literally Mean? | Dictionary.com Blog 失戀777法則 這是我高中可能很有戀愛經驗的英文老師和我們分享的 每次只要有朋友失戀 我不知怎麼安慰就會跟他們講~第一個7 - 頭七分手後的七天內,發狂去做一切你想做的事翹課、不上班、喝酒、上夜店、大購物、爆飲爆食、騷擾好友不回家、看電影看到眼瞎、買車票直接去外縣市你可以做任何一切的事,I was watching the film Role Models when the guy walks into a Starbucks and asks for a large coffee and she looks at him like he has something wrong with and replies you mean vents? He responds and says no, I mean large. Grande means large in Spanish but ...