Grande, Venti & Trenta: What Do the Starbucks Names Literally Mean? | Dictionary.com Blog不論是悶熱的夏天或是寒冷的冬天,接上都可以看到女生穿著各種顏色的內搭褲。但一般看到的內搭褲多半是以單色款式為主,若是要說到比較常見的花俏款式大概就是豹紋款式吧?不過這邊要介紹給大家的內搭褲就真的很另類了,因為設計師把各式各樣的鎧甲花紋給印製在內搭褲上,穿上去之後就會女性同胞變成美麗中又帶點剛硬風格的I was watching the film Role Models when the guy walks into a Starbucks and asks for a large coffee and she looks at him like he has something wrong with and replies you mean vents? He responds and says no, I mean large. Grande means large in Spanish but ...