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Styrofoam and Drinking Straw Puppet Craft - Enchanted Learning Software 日本時尚運動品牌Onitsuka Tiger今年初在台發表HARANDIA系列後受到廣大迴響,而時序邁入秋季,延續戶外風潮推出最新款式,設計靈感來自戶外越野跑鞋,以復刻為基礎,鞋面由麂皮、網布搭配鞋眼扣的使用,完美展現戶外風情。HARANDIA MT鞋款濃縮了都會休閒與戶外風格,足以展現冒險個性與Styrofoam and Drinking Straw Puppet Craft: A simple-to-make puppet made from styrofoam taped to a drinking straw. ... For the puppet's details (like the nose, eyes, mouth, whiskers, or a hat), either draw them with a pen (or marker), or cut them out of .....