Ford最強自然進氣引擎 Shelby GT350 Mustang搭載
Tally Ho - Playing Cards Wiki 【童國輔/報導】於2014洛杉磯車展發表的FORD SHELBY GT350在六代Mustang的基礎下,透過專屬的底盤、懸吊設定大幅提升車輛操控性能,最後再為其植入5.2L V8自然進氣引擎,以提供其強悍動力,不只如此FORD隨後又在2015底特律車展發表設定更為極端的輕量化賽道版GT350R,Tally Ho is another one of USPCC's standards in playing cards. Their stock is simply called "Tally Ho stock" and has a Linoid Finish. They are known to be of better quality and longevity than the standard Bicycle decks, and their stylish back designs are ...