Tally Ho - Playing Cards Wiki 喜歡一個人的表現或許有千萬種,但不管是哪一種,喜歡一個人是藏不住的。 即使是假裝不在意,假裝風輕雲淡,這種喜歡還是會從各個細節里體現出來。 細心的人,其實從微信上就可以看出,一個男人是不是真的喜歡你。 秒回你信息,聊天不敷衍 喜歡你的男人,最在意的就是你發Tally Ho is another one of USPCC's standards in playing cards. Their stock is simply called "Tally Ho stock" and has a Linoid Finish. They are known to be of better quality and longevity than the standard Bicycle decks, and their stylish back designs are ...