Pekopon - Keroro Wiki - Keroro Gunso, Sgt. Frog episodes, characters and more 讓男人興奮的是那些豐滿女性 身高1.62米,腰圍0.76米,胸圍0.9米,臀圍1.03米———有這種身材的女士,請不要再煩惱了!把那些修身內衣和緊身褲扔掉吧,盡情搖擺自己豐滿的身體。祝賀你,因為你絕對是男人心中最理想的女性。以前,我們認為平板身材的骨感美人才是男Fuyuki Hinata Edit The Pekoponian friend of Keroro since the Keroro Platoon first arrived on Earth. He constantly saves his home planet from destruction (Ex. When he stopped Angol Mois from destroying the planet by telling Keroro by saying that "If the wo...