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Tamama - Keroro Wiki - Keroro Gunso, Sgt. Frog episodes, characters and more2020年爆發新冠肺炎,疫情造成人心惶惶,也進而影響不少人的生活及工作。太瑿醫療管理集團總院長/黃仲立醫師表示,雖然近期國內疫情趨緩,但有滿多企業受到疫情影響,上半年收入銳減,許多企業家為此在景氣低迷階段,超前為自己的運勢部署,反而讓「植眉手術」詢問度暴增。 好眉型讓你事業運爆發?面相Tamama (タママ) is the private second class (二等兵 nitouhei) of the Keroro Platoon in the series... ... Tamama's Bad Habit. Dislikes Edit Tamama's least favorite sound is nails on a chalkboard. He also dislikes Angol Mois and often calls her "that woman" (あの女,...