Tan Kin Lian - Official Site 「手心貼手心,一起心電心~」看到妍萱燦爛的笑容,K小編就忍不住想哼起這首甜蜜的歌曲呢!就讀美容科的妍萱有一雙能帶來魔法的巧手, 不過天生麗質的她即使不上妝也是很可愛的吧~(以下桃紅色文字為妍萱的回答) 【圖/呂妍萱授權】 1.姓名:呂妍萱 2.綽號:Mika 3.生日:87.02.11 4.學校&Dear Mr Tan, I read your blog. Have you heard about this UFUN (www.ufunclub.com)? A lot of people (Spore, Msia, Thai) are investing and claim they are getting good returns in the first few months. Is this kind of investment safe? They give dividends (in t...