tango iphone

Tango for iPhone or Android - YouTube你是想紅嗎? Download: iPhone -- http://bit.ly/glbX6M Android -- http://bit.ly/en2Jov Twitter: http://twitter.com/__isaiah Gaming Channel: http://youtube.com/GamingTrench....


Tango - Official Site騎狗(真是服了他們)~~這兩人夠能搞的!!!Connect, Get Social, Shop & Have Fun! Send free text messages, make video & voice calls, share photos & music, follow channels, play games, buy stuff & more! ... Photo Sharing Personalize your profile with photos, and comment & like other people's photos...


Tango Takes Face-To-Face Video Calling Beyond The iPhone With 8 Million Downloads | TechCrunch哈利波特的同學XDDDDDD=_= One of the best built-in features of the iPhone 4 is FaceTime, the video calling feature that lets you see who you are talking to by using the cameras on both phones. But it only works over WiFi and if both callers own an iPhone 4. Perhaps those limitatio...


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