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Tap water - definition of tap water by The Free Dictionary 每週搶劫大家荷包、有錢也不一定買的到的 Nike Air Jordan 系列鞋款,讓 Nike 每年平均獲得 17.5 億美元的營業額,永遠的代言人喬丹本人每年則可以賺進 6,000 萬美元,但眾所皆知的喬丹飛人 Logo,近期卻遭 1984 年拍攝這張照片的原創攝影師 Jac414) used multivariable Cox proportional hazard models to estimate associations between tap water hardness (and Ca or Mg content specifically) and IHD or stroke mortality based on 1986 data on self-reported water consumption and potential confounders, wat...