ART HeadAMP 4 Stereo Headphone Amp | Musician's Friend 雖然現在醫療科技發達,但懷孕生產依舊是可大可小的一件事... 而有的男人想疼自己老婆也不能...有的男人卻把自己老婆趕出家門!!!奉勸各位好好珍惜在身邊的另一半吧! ---------------------------------靠北老婆原文:我想靠北我的老婆老婆,還記得我們是怎麼Most home recordings involve from one to four people, any or all of whom are going to need headphone monitoring. The monitor amp would be connected to the tape deck's headphone output or a mixer output so that the performers can hear themselves and each ....