Tax file number declaration - Deakin University | Melbourne, Geelong and Warrnambool, Austra 圖片來自:blogs.yahoo.co.jp/nagaichoco/29040235 為了證明我對北川景子的愛沒有改變,所以請容許今年我用這張當封面(蛤!?)去年也發表過這個由ORICON STYLE女性讀者票選「最想變成的臉」,年年發表來到了第6回!除了可以看出日本女生對同性長相的喜好外,其實也63 ORIGINAL – Tax Office copy www.ato.gov.au This declaration is NOT an application for a tax file number. Please print neatly in BLOCK LETTERS and use a BLACK pen. Print X in the appropriate boxes. Make sure you read all the instructions before you ......