Tax file number declaration - Deakin University | Melbourne, Geelong and Warrnambool, Austra分手時,你可以不要問嗎 分手時,沉默是最好的問題,最圓滿的答案。戀愛是甜蜜的,分手是難免的。誰不是痛過幾次,哭過幾次,才找到最後的愛。分手是必經的,但有些問題不必問1.不要問:為什麼要分手?無論答案是甚麼,都是你難以接受的原因。2.不要問:你有沒有愛過我?愛過如何,未愛過又如何,總之這一刻就是不愛。63 ORIGINAL – Tax Office copy www.ato.gov.au This declaration is NOT an application for a tax file number. Please print neatly in BLOCK LETTERS and use a BLACK pen. Print X in the appropriate boxes. Make sure you read all the instructions before you ......