taxi driver

Taxi Driver (1976) - IMDb     你真的是個好男人!你們一定會很幸福的~~~ 那些朋友只是個渣渣,這種朋友可以不要了!! ----------------------------Dcard原文:我的全新女友剛和女友交往時同學議論 說我眼光差 OK 反正我喜歡就好 你們說你們的結果&nDirected by Martin Scorsese. With Diahnne Abbott, Frank Adu, Victor Argo, Gino Ardito. A mentally unstable Vietnam war veteran works as a night-time taxi driver in New York City where the perceived decadence and sleaze feeds his urge for violent action, a...

全文閱讀 Taxi Driver: Robert De Niro, Jodie Foster, Albert Brooks, Harvey Keitel 那男的真的有夠渣,自以為又高又帥然後全世界的女生都要愛上他,分手了還要對他念念不忘!簡直自大狂妄!! 沒想到原po男友挺霸氣的XDDD 那個回覆真的有man的感覺~~ 好女人就是要跟好男人在一起~祝你們幸福溜~ 渣男吃屎吧!還以自以為為原po會吃他這種回頭爛草 ------------------The first disc features an audio commentary by Professor Robert Kolker. He analyzes the film's style and themes but tends to describe what we are seeing making obvious statements. He talks about the influence of Alfred Hitchcock's movies on Taxi Driver bu...


Taxi Driver (1976) - Greatest Films - The Best Movies in Cinematic History網友回覆: (1)開始就知道他是這種人了,妳還選擇他,第一胎已經吃那麼多苦了, 還來第二胎,我真不知道該怎麼說妳了…… (2)清醒一點巴 你現在的心軟只會讓未來的你更加後悔 自己浪費生命跟時間在這段日子裡而已 狠下心 斷乾淨 為了自己為了小孩 --------------Taxi Driver (1976) is director Martin Scorsese's and screenwriter Paul Schrader's gritty, disturbing, nightmarish modern film classic, that examines alienation in urban society. Scorsese's fourth film, combining elements of film noir, the western, horror ...


Taxi Driver Online  1(只)+1(只)=1(雙) 3(天)+4(天)=1(週) 4(點)+9(點)=1(點) 5(月)+7(月)=1(年) 6(兩)+10(兩)=1(斤) 那... 10( )+10( )=1( ) ? 以下開放討論!!!!!Source: West Briton A FORMER Redruth taxi driver has had licences for two of his vehicles revoked after authorities discovered them working in Birmingham as private hire cars. Cornwall Council’s Miscellaneous Licensing Committee has cancelled two Hackney ...

全文閱讀 Taxi Driver (Collector's Edition): Robert De Niro, Jodie Foster, Cybill Shepherd, Albert  答案就是..... 不能跟別人說啊!!!! 題目就說了嘛....Winner of the prestigious Golden Palm at the Cannes Film Festival (1976) and nominated for 4 Academy Awards including Best Picture (1976), TAXI DRIVER stars Robert De Niro in Martin Scorsese's classic film of a psychotic New York cabby driven to violence ...
