Taxol versus Taxotere - Breast Cancer - MedHelp 據傳說,隋朝年間連年戰爭,許多男性連女人都沒有碰過就戰死沙場,這些枉死之人成為孤魂野鬼四處遊蕩。他們生不能滿足性慾,死了就想物色女子到陰間去做老婆。不過這些孤魂野鬼可是有強烈的“完美處女”情結,被人摸過奶的女子他們都不會要,被許多男子摸過的更是乏鬼問津。因此姑娘Good Morning! This forum is just fantastic!! Thank you Cleveland Clinic and Med Help Int'l. for giving people like me a reliable place to ask questions!!! My question is: Can you tell me the difference (if any) between Taxol and Taxotere? Does one work be...