tcp ip patcher

「TCP/IP Patcher」破解Windows XP SP3連線數限制! _ 重灌狂人千手千腳觀音部隊如果你有安裝了Windwos XP SP3修補程式,可能會發現XP連線數限制重回10,如果你有增加連線數的需求,可以使用這個「TCP/IP Patcher」小軟體來處理一下,將他設定成256或更高。 通常這個連線數的調整大部分是有使用P2P軟體或RSS閱讀器的電腦才會用 ......

全文閱讀 - Tipps, Tricks & Utilities - Downloads看到鬼@@"Patcher (works with every language) EventID 4226 Patcher Version 2.23d (englisch) Password=abc EventID 4226 Patcher Version 2.23d (deutsch) Password=abc...

全文閱讀 - Tipps, Tricks & Utilities - News醉酒後的實驗Patcher Version 2.23 released! No day passed since the last version and a new is out again. The patcher can now access the TCPIP.SYS on 64-bit systems (since SP1) (thx Pyr0 for the info!). I'm still looking for Itanium 64 Windows XP 64 files with limitati...


TCP-Z Free Download (Half Open TCP/IP Memory Patcher for x86 and x64 Windows 7, Vista and XP) « My D學校公廁的標語TCP-Z is a very useful memory manipulation utility that patch and change TCP/IP simultaneous concurrent half-open incomplete outbound/outgoing connection attempt limit in Windows operating system dynamically. Unlike most TCP/IP half-open [...]...


Download Vista tcpip.sys and UAC Auto Patcher to Increase TCP Connection Limit « My Digital Life 一個勁搞笑的學生作文、與勁有耐心的老師  Windows Vista TCP/IP (tcpip.sys) and UAC Auto Patcher is a simple batch command script that automatically replaces and overwrites original tcpip.sys in \Windows\System32\Drivers\ folder with a patched tcpip.sys version (included) [...]...


TCP-Z, Best TCP/IP Patch什麼,聖誕老人也敢抓?    TCP-Z, Best TCP/IP Patch TCP Half Open Limited Patcher & Monitor Supports: Windows XP SP2 SP3 /2003 /2008 /Vista SP1 SP2/Windows 7, All 32bit(x86)/64bit(x64) ... Universal Theme Patcher Open Source Now! Saturday, May 30, 2009 Because I have no ......
