小姐姐包緊緊跳「踏步舞」卻讓破萬人狂loop 原來一動「渾圓大長輩狂跳」奔放到視線移不開!
TCP vs UDP - Difference and Comparison | Diffen 本文授權自卡提諾論壇,請勿抄襲 原文標題:[奇趣見聞] 正妹包緊緊「跳踏步舞」卻被萬人循環狂播!原是「超巨長輩太奔放」偏離圓心超驚人(影 今天又要來給大家送上療癒小影片拉一開始看到還在想說到底是為什麼大家都在瘋傳這位包的密不透風的小姐姐沒想到果然點閱率是實What's the difference between TCP and UDP? There are two types of Internet Protocol (IP) traffic. They are TCP or Transmission Control Protocol and UDP or User Datagram Protocol. TCP is connection oriented – once a connection is established, data can be s...