Dilmah 頂級錫蘭茶 T-84773 | 尚品咖啡食品公司 想正面拍幾張,怕美眉以為我是色狼,就只好先在背後,但是發現她的背後有個二維碼.....迅速拿出手機!打開安全掃瞄,馬上對準!但是看到結果我就震驚了!!!我叫琪琪,今年22歲三圍:82,75,87只要你有錢,歡迎搭訕........... Dilmah is not just another brand of tea. Dilmah is unique; a brand that is founded on a passionate commitment to quality and authenticity in tea, it is also a part of a philosophy that goes beyond commerce in seeing business as a matter of human service. ...