ted * taipei

TEDxTaipei official website | TEDxTaipei好像挺方便的,不過感覺有點噁... What is TEDx ? In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx. TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. Our event is called TEDxTaipei, where x = independen...


TEDxTaipei - YouTube SO Q!!!!你曾真的熱愛過一件事嗎?你有勇氣去追求一個高不可及目標嗎?「當我看到了登陸月球的照片,我說:『我要做這個,我要做太空人』 」,這樣的話對許多人來說,只是勵志文章的一句話,當太空人更是遙不可及的夢想.....但劉倬宇卻發現,NASA的太空 ......


許芳宜 - 不怕我和世界不一樣 TED Taipei - YouTube 不過整體還蠻可愛的:Dhttp://goo.gl/RaUCV【終生學習Blog】 相關影片: 面對中國,台灣人要站出來! http://goo.gl/OTyeB 富爸爸-擺脫過時的金錢觀1:去上學 http://goo.gl/1pYHi 錢就是債務 Money As Debt 中文版1 http://goo.gl/iBH4Z 08年奧運舉重冠軍施泰納令人感動的故事 http://goo.gl/I16o5 ......


TED×Taipei 創辦人 許毓仁:找出自己的聲音,說一個自己的故事 - Cheers快樂工作人雜誌140期 哈哈哈哈哭笑不得!!!!採訪許毓仁前一天,他剛從卡達回來,代表TED×Taipei參加在杜哈舉辦的TED Summit(TED全球高峰會)。這個月對許毓仁是馬不停蹄的一個月,因為出發前,TED×Taipei才辦完「TED×Taipei Change:綜觀全局」系列活動,請了設計師蕭青陽...


Taiwan a ‘flashpoint’: US group - Taipei Times 哈哈哈這個真的太貼切了TENSIONS RISING:A former US Department of State official said that the election results would ‘more likely than not’ make the nation a top security problem in Asia By William Lowther / Staff reporter in WASHINGTON Taiwan is poised to become a “worrisome f...
