潮流香氛 retaW Fragrance 桌上香氛瓶 居家生活良伴
TED - Official Site 裏原教父藤原浩 Hiroshi Fujiwara、個人香氛品牌 retaW,將自身的品味帶入香氛用品之中,讓家中也可以擁有高雅的氣息,本回再度推出全新的香氛組,並提供四種不同味道 NATURAL MYSTIC、ALLEN、EVELYN 以及BARNEY。【本文出處,更TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is an invitation-only event where the world's leading thinkers and doers gather to find inspiration. Initially an annual conference, the scope of TED has expanded to include a bi-annual global conference, a humanita...