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Larry Page: Where’s Google going next? | TED Talk Subtitles and Transcript | TED.com 眾所矚目的聯名,跨領域的來自街頭品牌Supreme 以及經典西服 Brooks Brothers之 2014 春夏聯名系列,終於在近日曝光,以經典的條紋布料做為設計,搭配頗有玩心的五芒星內裡,同場加映同布料漁夫帽,集潮流以及時尚於一身。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUTED Talk Subtitles and Transcript: Onstage at TED2014, Charlie Rose interviews Google CEO Larry Page about his far-off vision for the company. It includes aerial bikeways and internet balloons … and then it gets even more interesting, as Page talks throug...