阿波羅.羅賓斯 (Apollo Robbins): 轉移注意力的藝術 | TED Talk | TED.com (翻攝自dimplify) 大自然是非常奇妙的,有著各式各樣的物種,就算是專家也未必全部都認識!如果你看到下面這個奇怪的東西,你的第一直覺會認為它是什麼呢?看起來是不是很像某種奇怪生物的“蛋”呢...? (翻攝自dimplify) 其實這個怪怪的東西是一種菌類植物,學名為&Apollo Robbins will take the phone from your pocket and the ring off your finger, then hand them back to you and (maybe) show you how he did it. ... Thanks! Please check your inbox for a confirmation email. If you want to get even more from TED, like the ...