tei tangible

TEI'15 Stanford | Ninth Annual Conference for Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction 企鹅的行為藝術.....The Association for Computer Machinery’s conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction addresses issues of human-computer interaction, design, interactive ... TEI'15 is generously supported by the following sponsors: Platinum Sponsor Intel ......


TEI 2016 中午偷聽到的對話:業務阿伯:「為什麼美國穿越劇都往未來穿?」客戶:「不知道」業務阿伯:「因為找不到歷史。」業務阿伯:「那為什麼中國穿越劇都往古代穿?」 客戶:(搖搖頭)業務阿伯:「因為看不到未來。」GRADUATE STUDENT CONSORTIUM TEI’16 will be hosting a Graduate Student Consortium (GSC). Are you pursuing a PhD in an area related to Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction and interested to meet other PhD students and share experiences?...


Tax Executives Institute - Official Site FB中毒的新生代 (題外話,老實說~我個人不喜歡這功能)October 18-21, 2015 - Online registration is now open. A preliminary program will be available in late Summer 2015. * If you attended TEI's Midyear Conference be sure to use your discount coupon at the time you register....


Tangible Media Group 輸人不輸陣!Lining Yao is a Chinese born designer and maker of novel materials and interfaces. Yao is currently a PhD Candidate at Tangible Media Group, MIT Media Lab, where she focuses on pushing Human Computer Interaction toward Human Material Interaction. Her ......


Tangible Media Group 我還想要第二支!!!!The Tangible Media Group, led by Professor Hiroshi Ishii, explores the Tangible Bits & Radical Atoms visions to seamlessly couple the dual world of bits and atoms by giving dynamic physical form to digital information and computation. more on our vision...


Tangible computing - EduTech Wiki 主人不在我自己來!The framework is structured around four themes […..]. Themes are: Tangible Manipulation refers to the material representations with distinct tactile qualities, which are typically physically manipulated in tangible interaction. Spatial Interaction refers ...
