賤男為了面子,竟然讓自己女友跟別人做! ...畜生
Tekken 6 ROM (ISO) Download for Sony Playstation Portable / PSP - CoolROM.com 居然有人為了面子可以連自己女友的肉體都出賣,還是不是男人?现在奉勸所有女性同胞真的要帶眼識人,不要被樣子金錢迷惑,要不然到頭來可能只是那男人的工具。 CoolROM.com's game information and ROM (ISO) download page for Tekken 6 (Sony Playstation Portable). ... If on pc/mac/linux, hit the download now button for a downloader, or hit the alternative, hit the play button on the vid, then hit the download button...