水原希子 po 私處特寫照 遭 GD 粉絲狂譙:賤女人!
The Daily Telegraph - Official Site 今年 24 歲的日本混血名模水原希子,在 Instagram 自曝私處照,一道虹光射在上面,並寫上「I’m in love with the rainbow」,在網路上引起軒然大波。 水原希子父親是美國人,母親是韓國人,10 歲時跟著家人移居到了日本,11 歲時父母離婚後Latest news, business, sport, comment, lifestyle and culture from the Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph newspapers and video from Telegraph TV. ... 'Don't ban gipsies from Green Belt, it contravenes their human rights' Ministers lose automatic ban on g...