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Mobile phone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaisCar! 先前我們才為大家報導VW「Golf GTI最強版Clubsport售價底定」的新聞,現在Golf GTI又再度謠傳要推出「Clubsport以上,高度輕量化的lightweight版本」。 據外媒Autocar報導,Golf GTI Clubsport Lightweight versA mobile phone (also known as a cellular phone, cell phone, hand phone, or simply a phone) is a phone that can make and receive telephone calls over a radio link while moving around a wide geographic area. It does so by connecting to a cellular network pr...


Mobile phone radiation and health - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaisCar! 消防局接獲民眾報警說在民宅內巷子內有一台車冒出白煙疑似起火,警消馬上趕往現場,確認車子冒出白煙,用手觸摸車子後發現溫度過高,明顯車子內已經起火,因看不清車子裡面是否有人,消防人員決定破窗搶救,破窗後發現車內沒人,但的確車子內起火,推判是菸蒂未熄滅所造成,警消也通知車主大華到現場,大華看The effect of mobile phone radiation on human health is a subject of interest and study, as a result of the enormous increase in mobile phone usage throughout the world. As of November 2011[update], there were more than 6 billion subscriptions worldwide.[...


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