telnet win7

如何在Windows 7下開啟Telnet功能上BBS? | 就是教不落 - 給你最豐富的 3C 資訊、教學網站嘩...這大概要讀個十年.. 雖然現在已經有不少可以用來上BBS的瀏覽器,像是比較常見的KKMAN及PCMAN這二支人之外,還有許多,不過丫湯從懂的上BBS以來一直都是用Windows內建的命令提示字元(CMD)來連線,不過在第一次裝Windows 7就發現了怎麼telnet這個指令無效,難道是 ......


如何開啟 Windows7 內建Telnet的功能,快速使用DOS視窗連上PTT? - 海芋小站好多東西加再一起,就變成了愛情!!! Windows 7之前的版本,其實Telnet這個功能一直是被打開的,但在Windows 7卻被關閉了!而Telnet這個功能,其實就是讓我們除了讓我們連上BBS(電子佈告欄)外,另外也是用來測試網路連接埠是否有通的一個好工具。雖然Windows 7不知為了什麼理由把他關了 ......


Windows 7 使用 Telnet 連上 PTT (圖文教學) @ 火狐札記 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::好像蠻有道理的... 免安裝軟體也能上 PTT,只要簡單幾個步驟就能使用 Telnet 功能上 PTT。 1.點選【開始】按鈕 ,接下來點選【控制台】。 2.進入控制台後,點選【程式集】。...


How to Activate Telnet in Windows 7: 9 Steps (with Pictures)為了吃草....也真累呀!!!! How to Activate Telnet in Windows 7. Telnet is a command line tool that is designed for administering remote servers through the Command Prompt. Unlike Windows XP and Vista, Windows 7 does not come with the Telnet client installed......


Windows 7: Enabling Telnet Client - TechNet Articles - United States (English) - TechNet Wiki台灣好大呀!!!! Introduction Telnet Client is used to connect to remote machine by using the Telnet protocol. For example, I'm an old fashion IT guy, and I still like to configure Cisco Switches/Routers using telnet. If you started to use Windows 7, you will notice that ...


How to Use Telnet in Windows 7 - Desktop Virtualization Software, Server Virtualization, Window意思是一談戀愛就..... This article shows how to use telnet in windows 7. Windows 7 computer can be used as telnet client and telnet server also. ... For security reasons, Windows 7 came without telnet as Windows vista. This article shows how to use telnet in windows 7. Windows...
