Transmission electron microscopy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 19歲遇見你,27歲嫁給你 一起走過婚姻的七年之癢 老了兒孫滿堂,相伴去環遊世界 80歲許下來生還要在一起的諾言 這對老夫妻的愛情無關年紀 因為它本身就足夠動人 故事的男主人公是老爺子袁喜俊 他1937年出生在湖南 19歲便背井離From the top down, the TEM consists of an emission source, which may be a tungsten filament, or a lanthanum hexaboride (LaB 6) source. For tungsten, this will be of the form of either a hairpin-style filament, or a small spike-shaped filament. LaB 6 sourc...