CLOT x adidas Originals "Stan Smith" 搶先登場!2月8日搶先登場
Cretinism or Evilution?: Men Over Ten Feet Tall 誕生於1971年的網球鞋款Stan Smith,柔軟高級皮革製成的鞋面和側面三線孔洞的經典設計,在今年強勢回歸推出復刻。讓人再次感受這款風靡場內外,全球熱銷四千萬雙的網球鞋魅力。 CLOT 此次也未錯過機會,推出聯名款Stan Smith。以黑色做為視覺主色,燙金的鞋舌和鞋脊點綴出質感、個性兼具的Baugh had wished me well in my search for this info, and said he wanted to hear what I'd found, but he didn't express any interest in researching things himself. Apparently he already knew that humans over ten feet tall were a fact. I suppose he bases thi...