Pip-Boy - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki“維多利亞的秘密 Victoria’s Secret ” 澳洲名模米蘭達‧柯爾 Miranda Kerr 與前夫奧蘭多‧布魯 Orlando Bloom 離婚後,透露自己儘管離婚,還是會以兒子 Flynn 為重,並與前夫奧蘭多布魯有一樣的共識,如此在娛The Pip-Boy is a promotional cosmetic item for the Engineer. It is a wrist-mounted computer device with a green-glowing monochrome screen, and several buttons and knobs. The device is modeled after the Pip-Boy 3000 series produced by the fictional RobCo ....