IPS vs AMOLED vs SLCD - smartphone displays explained « Techlogg.com Techlogg.com 上午小李妹一臉痛苦的對我說道:“姐,我好想死哦!活得太沒意思了。”我立即關切地詢問她怎麼了?她哽咽地說不出話來,另外兩個妹妹向我訴說了她的不幸。原來,小李的老公在銀行工作,最近經常下班不回家,在外面打麻將整夜不歸,就是休息了以回老家為由也不願呆在家裡。昨晚小李見老公不回家,You’ll spend most of your time looking at the display more than anything else but what are smartphone display panels made of? As with any technology, smartphone display panels are a mega business on their own. Japanese component and notebook giant ......