FORD ECOBOOST 125汽油引擎六連霸摘星,再度獲選為2017年國際引擎大賞
IPS vs AMOLED vs SLCD - smartphone displays explained « Techlogg.comFord EcoBoost 125 引擎獲選為2017年國際引擎大賞「1.0L以下最佳引擎」,此具小而強大的三缸汽油引擎自2012年推出以來即連續第六年獲此殊榮,稱霸級距冠軍。Ford EcoBoost 125引擎結合性能、節能和科技等優勢於一身,獲得評審讚美,自上市以來,贏得10次國際引擎大賞獎項You’ll spend most of your time looking at the display more than anything else but what are smartphone display panels made of? As with any technology, smartphone display panels are a mega business on their own. Japanese component and notebook giant ......