PiTFT - Assembled 320x240 2.8 TFT+Touchscreen for Raspberry Pi ID: 1601 - $34.95 : Adafruit Industri富家美女現在熱門場所是午後的文華東方酒店「青隅」,那裡入口不容易找,迷路運氣好的話,會發現有三、兩漂亮女孩跟你一樣在找路,極度悠哉地穿著Casual小洋裝或褲裝,手上拎的包包或腳踩的高跟鞋,一看就知道如她們系出名門。走到巨型水晶燈的Lobby,服務生拉開比人還高的大門,讓她們儀態萬千跨進去,留你在門Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits PiTFT - Assembled 320x240 2.8 TFT+Touchscreen for Raspberry Pi ID: 1601 - Is this not the cutest little display for the Raspberry Pi? It features a 2.8" display with 320x240 16-bit color pixels an...