the 50 most stylish men in media

The world's 50 most powerful blogs | Media | The Guardian本文已獲卡提諾論壇授權,未經同意請勿轉載。 原標:武嶺下雪了!辣妹穿薄紗雪乳跟著蹦出「根本沒要遮」!網友知道真實身分後嚇壞了     ▲這樣不會冷嗎XD(source:卡提諾論壇,下同)     合歡山上武嶺這個地標,有不少網友都曾造訪並拍照打過卡,最近山頭白From Prince Harry in Afghanistan to Tom Cruise ranting about Scientology and footage from the Burmese uprising, blogging has never been bigger. It can help elect presidents and take down attorney generals while simultaneously celebrating the minutiae of o...


8 Dating Turnoffs Men Over 50 Should Stop Doing | Lisa Copeland 一提到摺紙,想必大家首先想到的就是這個了吧... 而島國的一名頂級摺紙大師中村開己,卻因有著對摺紙更高的靈性,將這一傳統摺紙遊戲玩兒出了新高度! 27歲那年,他看了一本摺紙界的葵花寶典,於是潛心研究,開始嘗試製作動態紙模型... 經過多年的苦心鑽研,中村開己不斷突破自我,發明出了一套新穎Here's a heads up for the post 50 single men out there... We ladies are so excited when you choose us as the "girl" you want to meet. Hours before our date with you, we are worrying whether you'll like us. Our bedroom floor is littered with clothes as we ...


GQ 最近.... 佛羅里達一位20歲的小哥開心瘋了.... Shane Missler ,贏得了4.5億美元的彩票頭獎!! 各大媒體紛紛發來賀電...       4.5億美元約合人民幣29億,大約是2907315000....元, 這數字太長我不敢看....-。- &nUse of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement (effective 1/4/2014) and Privacy Policy (effective 1/4/2014). The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written perm...


Media - Fashion Industry News & Trends - Women's Wear Daily | WWD 經常關注日系雜誌的小伙伴, 相信一定對下面這張顏記憶猶新!     立體鮮明又充滿異域風情的五官, 辨識度極高,讓人驚艷不已。 她就是日本模特&美妝界的 混血女神長谷川潤。       1986年,她在出生在美國, 媽媽是日本人, 爸爸是美法混血。 is the authority for news and trends in the worlds of fashion, beauty and retail. Featuring daily headlines and breaking news from all Women's Wear Daily publications, provides the most comprehensive coverage anywhere of fashion, beauty .....


Celebs - AskMen本文已獲 十點閱讀 授權 微信號:shidianyuedu 原文標題:男人出軌,都是從這個前兆開始的 未經授權請勿任意轉載。     嗨~大家好 我是小c編~ 「男人出軌前都有什麼前兆?」,曾經有人在百度上做了一組大數據調查,發現男人出軌的前兆一般是:經常藉口加班不回家Featuring the hottest photo galleries, complete bios and interviews with today's hottest celebrities, singers, models, athletes, and businessmen. ... Don't be left in the dark ages, wearing dad jeans and going to the wrong bars. AskMen's ......


50 Cent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 日本色情產業發達,不少男性都對AV產業抱有一種不切實際的幻想。他們認為,只要成為AV從業者,不僅能躺着賺錢,又能和喜愛的AV女優親密接觸,但事實真的是這樣嗎?       近期,一位30歲的AV助理導演就向日本電視台爆料,自己幹了三年多,天天在片場看裸體,但至今沒有脫Curtis James Jackson III (born July 6, 1975), better known by his stage name 50 Cent, is an American rapper, singer, entrepreneur, investor and actor from New York City. Born in the South Jamaica neighborhood of the borough of Queens, Jackson began sellin...
