國際尤物換日線 東歐金髮正妹知多少?│尤物雜誌
Home - BT Media & Broadcast@words by 尤物雜誌@photos by 強振國@styling:許宜惠、M.C studio@model:Gerda Juzvaite 以婚戀交友為主題的真人秀節目,一直是個歷久不衰的節目類型,而近年由中國的地方衛視製作的同類型節目「非誠勿擾」,雖然參加的佳麗清一色都是中國女子,但曾經有位BT Media & Broadcast offers you a global platform for your creativity. We combine the network, expertise and services to bring your vision to life. ... We combine the network, expertise and services to bring your vision to life. Glass to glass, we deliver...