菲董潮流品牌 ICECREAM “NFL” 翻玩系列作品
The Big Bang Theory Site 潮流音樂人菲董的個人潮牌 ICECREAM,也趕搭即將到來的美國超級盃足球NFL旋風,打造一系列翻玩作品,重新詮釋著名的 Oakland Raiders 隊徽,設計出一連串的系列作品,並均以黑白兩色為主,相當具有辨識度。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUKSGet the latest The Big Bang Theory news, episode guides, character quotes, merchandise and more on our fan site. ... CBS announces premiere date for Season 9 June 9, 2015 CBS became the first network to announce their 2015 fall premiere dates today ......