the big bang theory season 5下載 The Big Bang Theory: Season 7: Johnny Galecki, Jim Parsons, Kaley Cuoco, Simon Helberg, 某次商統(商業統計)期中考,大家都謹慎的提醒彼此不要忘了帶計算機。因為老師考前特別說明這次的題目會開根號到小數點後好幾位。只有大頭自信滿滿的拿出新手機向大家炫耀:「哈!我只要帶手機就行了!因為我的手機有計算功能」 考試開始了~大家都猛按計算機在做答, 唯獨遲遲不見大頭拿出他的手機Big Bang Theory, The: The Complete Seventh Season (DVD) Doctors Leonard Hofstadter & Sheldon Cooper (Johnny Galecki & Jim Parsons) are brilliant physicists – masterminds of their CalTech laboratories, but socially challenged in the non-theoretical real wo...


The Big Bang Theory - Official Site我有一哥兒們喝醉了,硬拉我們去卡拉OK,還說誰不去就跟誰吵,我們沒辦法把他扶上車,往他家直奔了去,騙他說是去卡拉OK,到了他家,他老婆開的門.......... 他一把抱住他老婆還笑嘻嘻的對我們說:這小姐挺漂亮的,有點像我老婆!他老婆臉色頓時就變了,只是看我們在沒有發作,就回睡房了那老兄招呼我們到客Watch full episodes of The Big Bang Theory, view video clips and browse photos on Join the conversation and connect with CBS\'s The Big Bang Theory. ... LEGO® announced last year that it would be taking a fan-suggested set idea for The Big Ba...


The Big Bang Theory (TV Series 2007– ) - IMDb一架豪華飛機在一場暴風雨中墜機了!裡面乘客全部罹難, 只存活了一隻馬戲團表演的猴子。警方只得抓猴子來問話。 警方:「要墜落地面的時候,乘客們在做什麼?」 猴子:「ㄨ!ㄨ!ㄍㄚ!ㄍㄚ!(表示在大叫)」 警方:「那空姐做什麼呢?」 猴子擺出在工作的樣子。 警方:「那...那機長呢?」 猴子很興奮的拍手。With Johnny Galecki, Jim Parsons, Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting, Simon Helberg. A woman who moves into an apartment across the hall from two brilliant but socially awkward physicists shows them how little they know about life outside of the laboratory....


Big Bang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia一男娶二女過去有一對夫妻結婚30年,有一天,老公溫柔地對老婆說:「老婆啊!妳嫁給我已30年了,這幾十年來,妳一直為家庭奉獻,相當辛苦,我準備下週幫妳升官做為犒賞!」老婆開心的說:「你要升我什麼官?」老公說:「我下週要娶小老婆,所以,下週起妳就升為大老婆。」到了娶小老婆那天,大老婆就詢問老公:「你娶了The Big Bang theory is the prevailing cosmological model for the universe from the earliest known periods through its subsequent large-scale evolution.[1][2][3] It states that the universe was in a very high density state and then expanded.[4][5] If the k...


The Big Bang Theory - The Friendship Algorithm - YouTube上微積分課的時候,教授提到了久未用到積分,我看著滿滿的黑板趕緊抄筆記喔!頭也不抬的一直抄…突然教授問道 :「先積甚麼!?」頭一抬,眼一喵…嗯…不會…抄筆記要緊……繼續抄我的筆記……也沒人回Season 2, episode 13 Sheldon displays his friendship algorithm as a flow chart, and tests it. (this belongs to CBS, not me, I'm just enlightening you with Sheldon's awesomeness)...


The Big Bang Theory - Wikiquote有位仁兄歡度五十歲生日.他洗澡時, 看著自己身體, 覺得很滿意.便對著自己的左右手說:[手啊手,五十歲生日快樂!]而後對自己的左右腳說:[腳啊腳, 五十歲生日快樂!]最後, 看著自己的那根玩意, 嘆氣:[你如果還活著的話, 應該有五十歲了吧?]這是前天發生在我朋友身上的真實故事:他一出門.就踩到了狗Season 1 [edit] Pilot [1.01] [edit] Sheldon: [about donating sperm] What if she winds up with a toddler who doesn't know if he should use an integral or a differential to solve the area under a curve? Leonard: I'm sure she'll still love him. Sheldon: I wo...
