The Clod and the Pebble by William Blake : The Poetry Foundation男人提出上床時,女人都怎麼說?一、幼兒園小女孩(小心翼翼地):哥哥,你尿床嗎?二、小學女生(不屑地):你才一道槓,我是中隊長,兩道槓。三、中學女生(眼神迷茫而又囂張地):靠!你說的上床,是動詞還是名詞,是廣意還是狹義的?你說這個就不對嘛,嚇到我純潔的心靈不要緊,嚇到小朋友就不行了,就是嚇到花花草草也"Love seeketh not itself to please, / Nor for itself hath any care, / But for another gives its ease, / And builds a Heaven in Hell's despair." ... Biography In his Life of William Blake (1863) Alexander Gilchrist warned his readers that Blake "neither wr...