Metro - City Room Blog - The New York Times中國女生錄取老公試卷?本試卷?全國女生招錄老公統一考試試卷,各省(自治區、直轄市,計劃單列市,不含港、澳、臺地區)均須使用此卷,不得自行命題。 這一條我就有意見了,為什麼台灣同胞不能參加啊?你說說看啊~?由於法律未規定同性婚姻合法,故報名參加考試者均須?男性。若女性報名,須於開始考試前,到Dear Diary: On the crowded Manhattan-bound 4 train packed with morning commuters, the red-haired woman next to me popped out her earbuds, put her hand on the shoulder of the Sikh gentleman standing in front of us and leaned forward to whisper something in...