An introduction to ‘Tintern Abbey’ - The British Library 想取悅你的女人,首先要知道她們在想什麼。 女人在床上最在乎的事情排行榜 No.1對方是否可以達到高潮 No.2體貼的前戲 No.3溫柔的事後愛撫 No.4拿我的身材開玩笑 No.5執意嘗試新的技巧 No.6兩人是否同時達到性高潮 No.7他的性能力 女人在床上喜歡的事 1、對身體的讚美 無論一個女Professor Philip Shaw considers the composition of 'Lines written a few miles above Tintern Abbey', and explains how Wordsworth uses nature to explore ideas of connection and unity. ... What should we make of the title’s eagerness to establish an exact ti...