the fray - you found me

The Fray - Look After You - YouTube    這篇根本是引起太多女孩子的共鳴了! 原來大家都會在另一半睡覺的時候這樣偷偷玩男朋友~ 真是太可愛了! 原PO: 當跟男友一起睡覺時你會做什麼? 有時候會跟他一起睡死 他會側躺把我窩在懷里,背對他就還好,面對他就會靠著他的胸肌睡,好幾次他睡著摟太緊差點被他悶死 有時候我睡飽This feature is not available right now. Please try again later....


Jane McGonigal - Official Site   明星們出席活動時都十分的大方大器,機場現身也是渾身奢侈品的大牌感覺,總是給粉絲們留下最美最帥氣的樣子,但是沒人看得見的在片場時他們就原形畢露了。是不是很好奇眾星都什麼表現?讓我們一起來看看吧。     ——皇阿瑪,您的摩托車帥呆了! &mdMy #1 goal in life is to see a game designer nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. I’ve forecast that this will happen by the year 2023. Of course, it’s not enough to just forecast the future — I’m also actively working to make it a reality. (And you can too...


Authors United原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:喵妹 先說好喵妹絕對不是抖M唷(啾咪) 不過真的覺得有好的上司相當重要啊! 會讓在底下做事情的任都任勞任怨的信服長官做事 在日本就萬人票選出”最理想也最想要的動漫上司排行榜’ 這次的排行榜為30名喔!想的到的跟沒想到的都上榜了!   第30名Letter to, Inc. board of directors The letter, with the list of signatories attached, was sent by Federal Express to each of the ten board members of, on Friday, September 19, and received on Monday, September 22. The recipients are:...


Islamic State appears to be fraying from within - The Washington Post                                       via live.kaBEIRUT — The Islamic State ­appears to be starting to fray from within, as dissent, defections and setbacks on the battlefield sap the group’s strength and erode its aura of invincibility among those living under its despotic rule. Reports of rising tensi...


Your Guardian Angel Lyrics - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - YouTube (翻攝自youtube) 一間家庭中,如果雙方彼此之間沒有好好經營,妥善處理家中大小事,就會造成無可挽回的局面,走入離婚的悲劇。而在戀愛自由地當下,小三、老王等第三者的稱呼也漸漸盛行起來。而在國外,就有一名丈夫因為懷疑妻子有婚外情,故意在家中裝設監視器。沒想到,有天監視器卻拍到妻子請水電工來修繕廚(this video's music is not mine. it is made by the band "the red jumpsuit apparatus". these are meerly lyrics for your enjoyment) I DO NOT ADVERTISE ON MY VIDEOS especially ones such as these where the music is not my own, so please DO NOT message me aski...


Relax! You’ll Be More Productive - The New York Times 原po有一種爸爸發現女兒交男朋友的感覺!! 世界真的有夠小,竟然這樣也可以遇到XD 好好發展下去說不定好朋友就變成家人了啊! ---------------------------------Dcard原文:我一個同學跟我非常要好…我們真的是物以類聚的個性所以我們一起租了房間,兩個人To be at your peak, don’t work so much. ... Longer naps have an even more profound impact than shorter ones. Sara C. Mednick, a sleep researcher at the University of California, Riverside, found that a 60- to 90-minute nap improved memory test results as ...
